Susanne Bentley Professor of English and Communications
"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed individuals to change the world. Indeed, they are the only ones who ever have." — Margaret Mead
Contact Information Office Location: | MCML 126, Elko Campus | Phone: | 775.327.2139 | Email: | NOTE: Substitute @ for (a) when sending a message. |
Classes NOTE: Viewing syllabi in Word (blue symbol) or Excel (green symbol) requires that your computer has those Microsoft products. Viewing PDF documents (red symbol) requries the Adobe Reader plugin for your browser, available free from Adobe. Whether or not syllabi are posted here is up to the discretion of the faculty member.
COM 101 |
Title: |
Oral Communication |
Catalog Description: | Introduction to the fundamentals of effective speaking. Develops the vocal and intellectual skills required for effective and powerful speaking in conversation and before an audience. (Formerly THTR 113, Fundamentals of Speech I) (Formerly COM 113, Fundamentals of Speech Communications) |
My Comments: |
This is a syllabus from a previous online class. The structure for live COM 101 classes is different. |

ENG 102 |
Title: | Composition II - Summer |
Catalog Description: | Continuation of English 101. Emphasizes writing from sources, argument, the investigative paper, and research techniques. |
The attached syllabus may change before the class starts. Assignments for the first week of class will not change, so you may get started on these now, if you like. |

ENG 101 |
Title: | Composition I |
Catalog Description: | Critical reading and writing of the expository essay. Emphasizes pre-writing, strategies for organization, and revision. |
My Comments: | See the attached Syllabus for more information. The dates and assignments will change, but the basic information will stay the same. |
ENG 223 |
Title: | Themes of Literature |
Catalog Description: | Themes and ideas significant in literature. [H*] |
My Comments: | This syllabus is for a previous class. Course content and reading may be different. A current reading list will be available soon. |
ENG 327 |
Title: | Composition III |
Catalog Description: | A practicum in writing, this course provides instruction in all of the stylistic choices a writer makes to communicate, not only information, but the voice behind the information. Experimentation with sentence patterns, sentence length, word choice, word placement, and punctuation. |
My Comments: | See the attached Syllabus for more information. The dates and assignments will change, but the basic information will stay the same. |
ENG 449B |
Title: | British Literature II |
Catalog Description: | Reading and discussion of major British authors from the Romantic Movement to the present. This course fulfills the British literature requirement for secondary education certification in English. [H] |
My Comments: | If you will be taking this class, get an early start on the reading by looking at the attached tentative syllabus. |
ENG 451A |
Title: | American Literature I |
Catalog Description: | Major figures and movements from the beginnings of the Civil War. Fulfills the American literature requirement for secondary education certification in English. [H] |
ENG 451B |
Title: | American Literature II |
Catalog Description: | Major figures and movements from the Civil War to the present. Fulfills the American literature requirement for secondary certification in English. [H*] |
My Comments: | The attached flyer will provide more information about this class. A syllabus will be available soon. |
HUM 101 |
Title: | Introduction to the Humanities |
Catalog Description: | An introduction to humanities through a study of seven major arts including film, drama, music, literature, painting, sculpture, and architecture. Each of these arts is considered from the perspective of historical development, the elements used in creating works of art, meaning and form, and criticism and critical evaluation. |
My Comments: | |
JOUR 102 |
Title: | News Reporting and Writing |
Catalog Description: | Principles of researching news stories, gathering information in the appropriate arenas and writing clear and accurate articles in accordance with journalistic standards established by the Associated Press. Explores the roles and responsibilities of a reporter for a news organization in keeping the public informed as well as acting as a watchdog. Examines ethical concerns in journalism and legal issues that influence media coverage. |